If you are tired of the same old activities try giving service. There are people in need all around you. Providing service to others helps your children recognize needs besides their own, makes them appreciate the things that they do have, and builds family unity as you work towards a common goal. As you decide what service you want to give keep these points in mind.
1. Think about the needs of people close to you. Maybe your neighbor just had a baby and you could make dinner as a family to take to them. Or you have an elderly neighbor or family member that you could visit on a regular basis or clean up their yard. Every spring we used to go to my grandparents house clean up from winter, plant flowers, and mow the lawn.
2. Consider what is really needed. Sometimes the service that you think will be appreciated isn’t really what is needed.
3. Try serving anonymously. One year for Christmas we bought presents for a family in need then set them on the doorstep and ran away. Part of the fun was the people never knew whom the gifts were from. Sometimes anonymous service is easier for people to accept.
4. Get the entire family involved. Let every family member give input on what to do and how to do it. If the entire family gets involved then it is their project too. In an earlier blog Laura Torres talked about a Christmas service project that they did that involved their whole family donating money and time.
5. Choose an activity that fits your family. If you are musically inclined try singing at a local rest home. If your family likes sports find out if you can play with children at a local women’s shelter. If your children are young have them help you pick out presents to give needy children. If your children like acting help them put on a puppet show or dramatic presentation at a children’s hospital. The possible ideas are endless.