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Do Challenges Keep Us Interested?

Years ago, I had a boss who told me that challenges in the workplace were what kept people interested and motivated. Over the years, I’ve gone back and forth in regards to whether I agree with her or not. I do know that I have left jobs that were not mentally stimulating and people have more of a tendency to get burned out at jobs where there are no changes, new activities, or interesting things happening. But, I’ve also been at jobs that were way too crisis-driven to keep my interest. Too much drama and I start to shut down and lose the capacity to focus or care. Perhaps the thing is that healthy challenges can inspire us and keep us focused on our businesses? But, what exactly is a “healthy challenge”?

Just the fact that we’ve embarked on running our own home-based businesses is a pretty big challenge. You’d think that would be enough to keep us interested for a long time! But, kidding aside, that boss may have been right that challenges do call on us to rise to the occasion and utilize our brains and problem-solving skills in new way. There is a certain rush that comes from tackling and conquering a particularly difficult work situation. And, when we succeed in meeting challenges and building a business, how can our self esteem NOT be affected in a positive way?

I would be interested in hearing from some of you who operate home-based businesses—do you find the challenges that you’re required to face in guiding your business to be inspiring? Do they bring out the best in you or wear you down? Are there certain types of challenges you think are advantageous and others that take away from the joy and pleasure of running your own business?

See Also: What Gets You Energized? and Personal Growth and Lessons From Our Work