Question: I hear about people dieting and losing weight successfully on all kinds of different plans that cost money. I am on a limited income and cannot afford to do this. Can I still lose weight without joining any type of program?
Answer: One pound equals 3,500 calories. The combined efforts of decreasing your food intake and increasing the amount of calories that you burn due to exercise less 3,500 calories will lower your weight by that one pound. You do not have to be on any special program that costs you money to lose weight. If you devise a plan for yourself, such as a menu to follow and an exercise program to follow you will lose weight.
Determine how much weight you would like to lose. This does not have to be an exact figure. Generally, 1,200 to 1,400 calories is a good goal to shoot for. Do not go under 1,000 calories per day. Using that figure come up with a menu plan for the week not going over that amount of calories per day. Be sure that your diet is nutritionally sound. Include your basic food groups. Next, an exercise program should be followed to increase your physical fitness level and to promote losing weight. There are great DVDs to choose from that will motivate you to exercise. There is even exercise on television and the internet. There might be a community gym in your area that allows its members to use their equipment at little or no cost. Exercise approximately 3 to 4 times a week.
One of the most important things to do is switch up your exercise if you get bored with it. So many people that I talk to get bored with their exercise program and dump it altogether instead of switching it up. They feel as if they have failed if they make any kind of changes. This is not true. You can safely and effectively change your form of exercise if you are getting discouraged with it or bored. The important thing is to keep exercising.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, fitness, single parenting, media and health.