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Do It Together

There are always two ways of doing things. One is to complain and grumble and take as long as possible to do it. The other is to make it fun.

One is to do things on your own. The other is to do them together, turn them into a game and get them done more quickly. This is the attitude I have seen at work recently with a young couple I know.

Whether it is shopping for groceries, doing the dishes, cleaning the house or whatever it may be, they do it together and turn it into a game that makes it fun. The comment made by the woman of the couple was that ‘many marriages we see don’t operate this way. But it’s the way we’ve chosen to handle it because the thing is we’d rather do things together and make them fun.’ And they do.

This couple has only been married a relatively short time- a few years but they could teach some other couples who have been married a long time something. It seems to be they have hit on something important. Unlike other marriages I know where the wife cooks, cleans shops etc all on the own and the husband would never lift a finger to help ‘because they are women’s jobs.

Or take another example where the husband has no idea how to iron a shirt or how to cook a simple meal or do anything inside the house, which includes the vacuuming. That’s all women’s work. Says who?

It’s up to each couple to decide for themselves who does what or whether it is a better option to do them together and knock them over more quickly so that they have more free time together. Or for one person to have to do them and end up feeling resentful, put upon and not in the best mood. Which would you rather? I know which makes more sense to me.

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