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Do You Believe in Miracles?

I have been loving studying the New Testament this year in Sunday School. There is nothing better than reading about Christ’s life. This past week, we talked about some of the miracles He performed while on this earth, and the lessons we can learn by applying the principles from these miracles in our lives.

First, we discussed the reasons why Christ performed miracles. There were three reasons:

* To build the faith of others

* Compassion He felt towards others

* To show His power

Every miracle in the new testament can be categorized into one of those three reasons. Some of them can fit into more than one category.

But, what about miracles in our own lives? The teacher shared how her family was going through a particularly hard trial and were hoping for a miracle of their own as a family member is suffering from cancer. However, after much prayer and fasting as a family, their miracle was not granted. The family member was sent home from the hospital to die. This was heart-breaking for them.

It would be easy to think of our own lives and think about times when we have not received a miracle in our own lives that we so desperately wanted, and thought we needed. Maybe it was a righteous desire of our heart, but the Lord did not grant us what we wanted. We know He has the power to do so. So, why does He sometimes choose not to grant one family a miracle, but he might grant a miracle to another?

Sometimes, this causes us to question our faith. Do we not have enough? Or, maybe it causes us to question whether or not God really is a loving God. How can He be if He can let my loved one die?

The important thing to remember is that we do not have His perspective. He knows what is best for our lives. Finding the ability to submit to His will, and accept it is one of the hardest parts of this earthly existence.

Why does He grant miracles to some and not to others? We may never have the answer in this life. However, how blessed we are to know that He is still performing miracles through the power of the priesthood, and the faith of the righteous, even today.

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About Meredith

Meredith is a native Texan who is currently living in Salt Lake City, UT. She graduated from the University of Utah in 2002 with a B.A. degree in Psychology and a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. She has been married for almost 10 years and has three beautiful children who consume most of her time. However, she started blogging in 2007 and has fallen in love with the idea of becoming a writer. She started scrapbooking over 10 years ago, and has become obsessed with that as well. She also dreams of the day when someone will pay her to scrapbook for them! When she is not scrapbooking, or blogging, she loves to people watch, and analyze what makes people tick. Meredith is proud to be a Mormon, and even served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where she fell in love with the Latin culture and learned to speak Spanish. Visit Meredith on her personal blog at www.fakingpictureperfect.wordpress.com