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Do You Buy a Joint Christmas Gift?

Christmas is a very happy and jolly time for families and couples. I love the excitement in the air and the decorations around the town. I even enjoy doing my Christmas shopping during the last few days.

However once you have been married for several years, especially if you have children, Christmas shopping and gift opening can turn more to others than you and your mate.

After being married for a few years, many couples decide to buy joint a Christmas present. In other words, they do not get each other a Christmas present. Instead they choose to make a purchase that both of them could use.

For example, one year they may decide to purchase new furniture or appliances for the house.

I know several couples that choose to make purchases for their home or family instead of personal Christmas gifts.

This practice can be a wise idea. The purchase is made that likely would not have been made otherwise and you saved money from not making the purchase and buying a Christmas gift for one another.

However, sometimes it is nice to be pampered. It can be a good feeling to receive something that is unexpected and that is all about you.

Even if you decide to make a large purchase together, it can be nice to surprise your mate with a smaller gift just for him or her.

Shopping for your mate can help you truly think about him/her and his/her likes and dislikes. It can be very exciting to see the look on your loved one’s face when he/she receives something unexpected.

So if you and your spouse are stuck in the rut of joint gifts or no gifts at all, think of the surprise and love that you could show this year. Begin listening to your spouse’s conversations and try to hear hints of things that are desired. You could end up making someone have a very merry Christmas and reinforce your love.

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