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Do You Download Movies?

Movies and television shows have started to become more and more available to download and watch on our computers. How many of you actually download movies?

I have actually been pretty reluctant to jump on the movie download wagon. There is a RedBox at the store around the corer where I can rent movies for $1 a day, so the convenience of downloading a movie rather than renting it is pretty nominal for me. In fact, even at the typical $2 download fee I would be spending double the amount to download a movie rather than actually rent it.

Last week Apple announced Apple TV, which makes it possible to watch movies you download onto your computer on your television rather than on your computer or iPod screen. The ability t watch movie on my television makes the whole idea of downloading movies a little more appealing.

Do any of you download movies?

I could see the draw of doing it for a quick flick to watch in lieu of heading out to the video store. For movies I would like to own I would much rather own the actual DVD with the insert and cover art.

I am the same way with music. I really can’t get into downloading music. I really enjoy CDs and having the actual disc and cover art to look at along with my CD.

The world is turning toward more digital media however, and downloading information more and more rather then buying it. Do you think this is a good thing? At some point we’ll be at a point where everything we do is digital. What do you do when there’s a power failure?

Have you ever downloaded a movie? Which do you prefer downloaded movies or DVDs?

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About Emily Price

Emily is a freelance writer and video editor in Raleigh NC. Her film degree has earned her the role of "family photographer" for all of her families events, as well as some events for other families.