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Do you ever run out of material?

One question I get asked often is if I ever run out of things to write about. Some are completely amazed that I can write as much as I do without simply running out of things to say. Those interested in writing freelance tell me they fear running out of things to write about. I completely understand that fear. We all get writer’s block from time to time. We all look at the word count hoping to get to the magic number telling us we hit our word quota and we are done.

So, do I ever run out of things to write about? No. I run out of ideas for the topics I am supposed to be writing about. However, I could write all day and night with the crazy things that go through my head. I will hear someone talk and say something that will make me think of a great article. I will then begin to write it in my head. I will see something and immediately form a story in my head. I have notes upon notes of books I want to write, articles that would be cool to write, and devotions I would like to write. My poor neglected tattered notes of promised words that may never manifest into a finished piece. I am too busy writing other things. Those things I get paid to write or I am expected to write. Coming up with years of ideas for the same topic can be hard. I can sit and my mind draw a complete blank. So now what?

When I draw a blank I find it is best to take a break. Thinking too hard is never good for a writer. Writing should flow and not be forced. It is a dance not a race. I will also try to draw from my own life experiences. Since I write about home business and I own a home business, more than one, it is easy to come up with personal experiences. Writing is life. Write your life and you will never run out of material.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.