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Do You Find Family Prayer Frustrating?

Family prayer can often seem to be a struggle. It really does not matter what age your children are. The young toddlers seem to love running around the room as soon as you start praying. The children in elementary school seem to poke each other if they are sitting too close together, and the teenagers just complain in general. Of course you will not experience these problems every time you have family prayer, but it can get frustrating.

It is important to remember what you are accomplishing when you pray together as a family. Even though your children may not seem as though they are paying attention they really are learning a lot. First they learn how to communicate with Heavenly Father. They can begin to learn the correct way to pray as soon as they begin to talk. It also teaches them that you can have a relationship with Heavenly Father.

In addition the children are learning the importance of praying for others. It is wonderful when you see your children begin to pray for each other’s specific needs during the prayers. It helps them to become aware of the needs of others. As you model this behavior for your children they will pick up on it and begin to do it on their own.

Additionally your children will gain a testimony of the power of prayer. As they see the family’s prayers answered and receive comfort, they will learn that the Lord really is there for them. Family prayer is a wonderful way to bring the spirit into your home and to help you teach your children to recognize the spirit. It helps to bring peace into the home as well.

Even if you do become discouraged, and find yourself praying that your children will learn to be reverent, keep praying together. The blessings will become evident over time and your children will be grateful that you pray together as a family. Be sure to kneel together as this helps the children to recognize it is time to be still, as well as showing proper respect to Heavenly Father.

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