Growing up, I never really received a whole lot of support from my family when it came to weight loss. You see, I was a very good cook. I was an exceptional pastry cook. My family loved it when I baked. It didn’t matter what I made, so long as I made it. In fact, I was so good that the praise I received for being a great cook and sharing these homemade confections with friends and family made it impossible for me to seriously lose any weight. Yeah, I liked the attention I got from being a great cook and tasting what I made was always a part of the cooking.
When I chose (after a year of research) to have a gastric bypass, my biggest supporter was my husband. He knew I was unhappy being so overweight and he knew I had tried every method known to man to lose it. My overweight friends were less than supportive.
Who are your supporters when it comes to weight loss? Do you have overweight friends or family that constantly pull you off the wagon? This isn’t at all uncommon. There are two things that you’ll need to remember about weight loss support:
1. You’ll need it. Even if it is just one person saying “Yeah, you!” Doing it alone is too much for anyone. If you can’t get friends or family to support you, join an online forum like Diary of an Overweight Mom or one of the other weight loss forums at
2. Good support is hard to find. Our overweight friends and family struggle with jealousy and guilt. They’re may be jealous of the progress we make and unconsciously try to sabotage us or they may feel guilty that we are trying and they aren’t. Either way, unless they have similar goals and can buddy up with you on your weight loss efforts, they may very well be the wrong support for your weight loss goals.
If you’re trying to lose weight, get some support. It doesn’t matter where you find it but finding it will definitely give you much better odds at success.
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