One of the most difficult aspects of really studying your scriptures is finding the time to do it. Sometimes it is too easy to let it be crowded out of your already busy day. And if you are like me getting up early to study just does not work. I’ve found that waiting until right before I go to bed is not very effective either. So the trick is to find a good time during the day to study your scriptures. Here are a few ideas to consider.
1) You could read the scriptures during your lunchtime at work. It is easy to pack a lunch, walk to a nearby park, and read while enjoying the outdoors. If it is rainy go ahead and read in the kitchen. Of course you may have a lot of business lunches or may not take a real lunch, if not then this is not the solution for you.
2) Children’s naptime is another great time to read the scriptures. (This generally only works if you are a stay at home parent. The kids are quiet, and you have a great opportunity for some in depth study. You can use the time to meditate as well. You could also consider reading while waiting in the carpool line or at a dance lesson or ball practice.
3) Another great time is when your children are going to bed. I sit in my children’s room for a bit when they go to sleep. This is an excellent time for me to study the scriptures and to pray. It also allows my children to see how important the scriptures are to me.
4) If you ride a train into work each day, this is another great time to read the scriptures. If you drive, you may consider listening to them on your drive—though this does make it difficult to jot down notes, and utilize cross-references.
Ultimately you know your schedule, and study habits the best. Be creative as you look for time that you can use to study the scriptures. You will be blessed as you make a sincere effort to study the scriptures every day.
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