Bugs do not thrill me, but they sure do fascinate children. I can handle a lightning bug or a ladybug, but that is about it. Still, I have made my share of bug keepers. If your child likes to collect bugs, here are some ideas for bug keepers you can make together. Making them is more fun than what comes afterward, as far as I’m concerned!
Clear plastic salt and peppershakers work perfectly for bug keepers. They have screw on tops that already have holes in them so the bugs can get some air. Peppershakers have more holes, so they will probably work best. You can find cheap saltshaker sets at dollar stores. Let your kids decorate them or add their names if desired.
Clean, plastic jars also make good bug keepers (plastic mayonnaise jars are great). An adult can cut the center out of the lid with a utility knife. Trace the cut away piece onto a piece of mesh fabric. Cut out the fabric and glue it to the inside of the lid for a “screen.” While the glue dries, let your child write his or her name on the container with indelible marker and decorate as desired. Once dry, your child can collect insects to his or her heart’s content (or as much as Mom or Dad can handle).
You can make a similar insect collection unit from a child size shoebox with a lid. Remove the center of the lid leaving the edges intact so they will close tightly over the box. Glue or staple mesh fabric inside the opening for a screen.
A clear plastic jar makes a perfect natural flashlight when filled with lightning bugs, so a clear plastic jar will work better than a box, if this is what your child has in mind.