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Do You Need a Business Slogan?

Between all the talk of logos and branding and slogans when it comes to business marketing, you might find yourself confused. And, you may wonder what this all has to do with your little home business and whether or not it is worth your while to try to keep up with all of this marketing jargon. If you’ve ever wondered what a “slogan” actually is, then you might have let yourself wonder whether you need one for your home-based business…

A slogan is like a tag line or a brief promotional statement that represents your business. A slogan might be a call to action like “It’s Time to Switch to the Smart One!” or it can be a brief statement about your business: “The Best-Kept Secret in Town.” The goal of a slogan is to provide something catchy that customers and prospects will remember when they think about your business. Think over some of the famous marketing slogans over the years: “Have it your way” or “Where’s the beef?” or “Don’t squeeze the Charmin”—these are catch phrases that either say something about the business or encourage people to think about and remember the product in a memorable, catchy way.

If you decide you want or need a slogan, you’ll have to decide if you want to go with something that is fun, smart, or strong. Think over the image you want people to take away and then you can choose the words or phrasing that conveys that message. If you want people to think of your business as reliable and trustworthy, your slogan should reflect that. If you want to convey an image that is homey or comfortable; or one that is young and flashy—these can all be conveyed and promoted with an appropriate slogan.

If you just can’t think of a slogan for your home business yourself, you might ask your friends, colleagues and customers for suggestions. If you’ve got the budget, you can hire a marketing professional or consultant and they will be able to give you several slogans to choose from. Keep in mind that you will want to find something you really like because you’ll be using it on everything. Just about the time you start to get sick of it, you can bet that your market will just be getting used to it!

See Also: Do You Have a Marketing Plan?

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