Are you having trouble with debt? Do you have a hard time saying no to your credit card? If so, there are times it can be useful to have the assistance of others.
Debt and credit counseling is a huge industry. Due to this, it has good and bad along with it. If you truly feel out of control or that you have no hope, then it is time to consider counseling.
Many people are addicted to spending and credit cards are simply fuel for the fire. Credit counseling can help you negotiate with creditors as well as help you find a way to control yourself. Most of what credit counseling can help you do – you can also do yourself. However, if you have tried and failed, you may need an outside party to step in.
If you do decide you need counseling, ensure they provide you with a debt management plan (DMP) you can live with. Just getting your debt paid off is only half the battle. Like dieting, learning to live without debt is a lifestyle change. You can’t wipe the slate clean and hope that will solve all your problems.
Work with the counselor to get out of debt and then learn to live within your means. One benefit of a debt-free lifestyle is you have extra money to use instead of spending it on payments.
If you are too addicted to spending, you may have to go cold turkey. The addiction to credit cards can be as bad as alcohol. As an alcoholic must forever avoid a drink, the spending addict should completely avoid a credit line or account.
Let the counseling help. Listen to their advice and respect that you may have a real problem. Counseling is there whether your problem is debt, depression or drugs; there are many times when we all need a little helping hand to get on the right track.
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