This year the Bible Society reported they had published translations of ‘at least one complete book of the Bible
‘in 2426 languages’ and that UBS (United Bible Societies) is at present is involved in ‘500 translation projects.’ But what about those of us who have the whole Bible or maybe more than one Bible translation in our homes in our own language, do we value what we have? Or does it spend much of its time sitting next to the bed or tucked away in a bookcase unopened?
When you’re seeking advice on a problem is the Bible the first place you turn to? Or do you turn to your friends or next door neighbor first? Some of us only seem to turn to God’s Word when we’ve exhausted all other avenues. And yet the Bible is, above all, a practical book designed to help us with everyday living.
How does our attitude compare to the Bereans, who not only received the gospel message with great eagerness ‘but examined the Scriptures every day,’ Acts 17:11? Is this your habit, to examine the Scriptures every day? How can we expect God to speak to us and how can we expect to grow as Christians unless we do this? Reading them every day, thinking about them, looking at passages in context, looking at the historical context but also learning to apply bible truths to our lives, letting the still small voice of God speak to us about what we might need to do to be more in tune with His ways.
People in other countries where they do not have the Bible freely available as we do, are desperate for it. Are you as keen to open and read God’s Word? Or have you become blasé about the treasure we have?
According to the Bible Society Newsletter, July is ‘celebration of the Bible month.’ Will you celebrate that you have the Bible available for you to read and choose to make this month the time you change your Bible reading habits, maybe for the first time get into a daily habit of studying God’s Word? Will you choose to become more diligent about reading God’s word? Maybe you could even start a Bible study group in your neighborhood? Or, if you’re not already doing it, make time to read the Bible with your family? I guarantee it will change your life and that of your family.
Let’s not underestimate the importance and the value of what we have in God’s Word. After all this is God speaking to us and its purpose is to equip us for everyday living, 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. Are you listening to what God has to say to you?
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