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Do You Want to be a Buff Mother?

I came across a website called www.buffmother.com and just had to share it with you.

Michelle Berger is the BuffMother. In a span of five years, she had four kids. Then, in the fifth year, she won five NPC (National Physique Committee) titles. Her rally cry is “You can be buff after having children. I am living proof!”

I have to tell you, after checking out her photos, I have to agree that she is one buff mother and I certainly wouldn’t mind following in her footsteps! A little note about me: I’ve wanted to compete in women’s bodybuilding since 1988 when I saw Anja Langer take second to Cory Everson. Of course that was back when professional female bodybuilders still looked like women. Their equivalent today is the figure competitor like Michelle Berger who, by the way, started out as just a regular stay-at-home mom.

I loved reading Michelle’s story on her website. She comes across as a real person, just like the rest of us, and so much of her story is easy for other mothers to relate to.

On the front page of her site, she states the following:

I am no different than you:
• I am a mother of 4 whose oldest child is 5 years old and the youngest are 2-year-old TWINS!
• I have no nanny, no regular sitter or grandparents that baby sit regularly
• I do my own cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, errands, etc…
• I have days where I don’t get a shower
• I OFTEN find it hard to “feel like” working out
• At times my kids fight like crazy about not wanting to go to the gym childcare
• I don’t come close to eating “perfect”
How refreshing for a person as fit as her to say these things!

Michelle’s website is more than simple self-promotion. What she has done is created a community (for women only) to come together and inspire, educate, motivate and empower each other. To do this, she shares her personal story, includes a photo gallery, keeps a regular blog, maintains a forum and a Yahoo group.

I have to say that I love her positive attitude! I love the way she shares her own story so openly and honestly and doesn’t just spout the same old useless advice we all get from doctors, dieticians, nutritionists and the occasional hater that tells us all to just “stop eating”. Michelle is real and she has a real system that has clearly worked well for her. If you’re looking for something that will work for you, I highly recommend that you check out her website.