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Do You Worry About How the State of the Economy Affects Your Home Business?

I read the business section fairly regularly in my local newspaper, and I occasionally read the New York Times—but I am not someone who reads a collection of business magazines or watches CNN or business reports on a regular basis. Not because I’m not interested, but because I just don’t have the time. I was chatting recently with a colleague, however, and she mentioned that she was worrying about the economy and how her field of business was going to be affected. It made me think of all of us home business owners and wondered if others of you are worrying about the economy now too?

I guess the overall state of the economy is not something I worry about because I don’t have any control over it anyway. As a single mom, I’ve gotten quite used to making do and living an intensely frugal, compact, independent life. That is not to say that things couldn’t get worse and that my little family, as well as my work world, wouldn’t be affected by continued downturns in the economy—but I’ve learned to live a life where I do not let myself fuss and worry about all those big things I cannot control.

But, the truth is—many industries are affected by changes in the economy. There are products and services that consumers stop purchasing when they tighten their belts and this could affect some us. How are you coping with insecurities in the economy and how does it affect how you run your home business? Do you worry about what is going on with the economy? Have you made any adjustments to how you are running your business? Do you think things will get better or worse? I would love to hear from some of my fellow home business owners as to how you feel about the economy?

See Also: Understanding Micro-Business

Do You Know and Understand Your Market Conditions?