The 2012 Republican National Convention is over. By now, you’ve probably heard all the speeches, and read many news articles about the event. What you may not have heard is that groups of doctors visited the convention in an effort to get messages regarding healthcare, and health insurance, to the delegates.
The Republican National Convention was where the Republican Party officially named Mitt Romney as their candidate for the 2012 Presidential election. This means that his running mate, Paul Ryan, is the official Republican candidate for Vice President in the election. Somehow, the thing that is being talked about the most Clint Eastwood’s speech to an empty chair.
What isn’t being talked about very much is the groups of doctors that attended the RNC. The doctors were there for the purpose of making delegates aware that it is vitally important that people have the ability to be covered by health insurance. It seems to me that this was (mostly) a non-partisan message that focused on what was best for the health of all Americans.
Greggory DeVore, MD, is an ob/gyn. He is also national co-chair of Physicians for Romney Victory. He said:
“Our assignment has been to reach out to other physicians around the country who think that Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, is not really in our best interest or in the best interest of patients. What we’re trying to do is raise funds from physicians so that becomes a statement.”
Representative Tom Price, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon. He is also a Republican and a Representative from Georgia. He said:
“Whether its the repeal of the president’s [healthcare] plan, whether its the Independent Payment Advisory Board, whether it’s the Medicaid system – all of those things play into a healthcare system that respects the principles of accessibility and affordability and quality and choices. That’s what we believe ought to be addressed.”
Thomas Hicks, MD, is a family physician from Tallahasse, Florida. He was at the RNC representing the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). He said:
“Our goal is to achieve healthcare for all. We are not as concerned about the method [by which] that happens, but we want everyone in the country to have medical insurance available to them.”
It is my understanding that the AAFP, and Doctors for America, will be attending the Democratic National Convention as well. Once again, the goal will be to emphasize that health insurance coverage is vital to the health of every American.
Image by Robert Neff on Flickr