A picture is worth a thousand words. That statement is even more profound when the photos document your weight loss journey. Getting good photos of your body throughout the process is essential. The photos will help keep you motivated and focused on your goal.
Start with taking photos of yourself in your swim suit or other snug fitting outfit. This is a great time to use the tripod and self timer for privacy. Take the photos while you are alone in the privacy of your own home. With the self timer you don’t need anyone else around to witness the photographs. The photographs should include full body shots of you from the front, rear, left and right sides. With a digital camera those photos can be for your eyes only or used as motivation through your weight loss endeavor. If you need the constant reminder one of the photos can be attached to your refrigerator as an instant deterrent. When you see photo of where you started it will motivate you to stay focused on your weight loss goal.
In addition, take photos every week to document your weight loss progress. If at all possible wear the same outfit as the original photo. You may not see progress from week to week but when you put the series of photos over many weeks together you will be amazed at your progress. Be sure to document the date and your current weight for each photo. As you see the subtle changes in your body you will be even more motivated to stay focused and reach your goal.
When you reach your goal and everyone is astonished at how you look you can share the series of photos. Maybe one day you will write a book, become famous and share your weight loss secrets with all of us. The photos will be proof of all your hard work and dedication to meeting your goal.