I’m being facetious with the title. I haven’t met a pizza yet that would qualify as diet food. They sure are good, aren’t they? My favorite is Garlic Chicken with a white sauce. Most kids love cheese or pepperoni.
Did you know that pizza is the most popular food in America? Three billion pizzas a year. As a whole, we eat 350 slices per second. All that pizza uses two billion pounds of mozzarella cheese. That’s billion – nine zeroes. No wonder California cows are happy. They’re in no danger of being out of work!
If you’re among the 93% of Americans who eat pizza at least once a month, this deal is for you. Right now, if you order online, you can get three Papa Johns one-topping pizzas for only $21. You’ll need to register your name, address, email, and phone. Then go ahead and place your order. At checkout, use the following coupon in the Enter Promotional Code box: CFNC2007. It will take you to a page showing you their delicious choices!
If you don’t think you’ll be able to eat three pizzas, or if you want a specialty pizza, you might prefer this code instead: 24TV. That will get you one free large one-topping when you order an extra-large specialty. Sometimes you don’t want just pepperoni, even if it is America’s favorite topping.
Papa Johns has really good pizza. I like their crust a lot better than some pizzerias. It’s doughy rather than bready. Does that make sense? At our local Papa Johns, they are pretty generous with the toppings. Since I have a teenage and pre-teen son, I really appreciate that. Pizza’s a treat at our house, and discounts mean that we get to treat more often!
Promotions end on January 25, so you still have time to order in. The offer is good for both takeout and delivery.