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Does your 3 year old still have a lovey?

When my daughter was six months old she decided she liked this stuffed puppy at the store. I was so excited that she found a toy to pique her interest I purchased it. We named it appropriately, Puppy. Puppy became a constant companion. She slept with it from the time she was a baby to about three years old. Over those few years Puppy became tattered, worn and exhausted with all the love given to him. Puppy was an essential part of the bedtime routine as he always had to sleep right there with her. Knowing this was a step to independence I had no reason to yank away this precious toy. It was not until about three that I noticed my daughter did not rush to find Puppy before bed. I was a bit sad. No more need for Puppy was the indication of a closed chapter in my child’s life. She is now six years old and Puppy is still with us….somewhere. I believe the last sighting was in a toy box in her room. She will not get rid of him nor give him to her sister yet she no longer needs him to be comforted.

My youngest daughter grew an attachment to a small blankie. Ever so creative in my home we call this object, Blankie. After having a few close calls with Puppy, including once being left at Grandma’s who lives out of town; I was smart enough to purchase two more in case the unthinkable happened. Yes, I am that parent who searched the backyard with a flashlight to find a lovey. Blankie is my daughter’s comforter when she is sick, sad, or tired. She sleeps with her blankie every night. While she figured out she has three blankies she is satisfied with just one. Yet, it must be that little pink blankie. No other can take its place as many have tried and were quickly rejected. She finally does not walk around it with at every turn. She has transitioned to only needing it during times of stress or bedtime. At one time it seemed to be another appendage. She just turned three so I am thinking she will phase it out even more this year.

I know some are gasping for air at the shock that I allow my child to have a lovey at three years old. I could throw my weight around as a student of psychology or as a mom of four but I digress. Since there is no psychological harm in a child having a lovey and I see my child phasing it out on her own I see no reason to yank it away. Well, maybe a bit of the psychologist in me did come out.

So when did your child give up his or her lovey?