Even if you have just started a part-time home business, or if you have been working from your home base for years, your business may benefit from having a mission statement. A mission statement is a brief declaration of your purpose and goals–why your business exists and what you hope to accomplish with your products and services.
When pressed, some of us may state that we are operating our home businesses in order to “make money” or “support our families.” And while that may motivate us personally, it doesn’t really give a structure or guiding purpose to our business. Mission statements have become increasingly common in all sorts of businesses and corporations–providing employees with a clear understanding of how the business is trying to contribute to the community and to help make the world a better or more livable place.
A mission statement should be active and simple, but strong enough to encompass your business activities. A mission statement should be something you can turn to and say, “Does this activity support my business’ mission statement?” For example, if you are a freelance writer, you may think about what sort of writing you want to do and who your audience is, perhaps you want to create writing that “ provides education and inspiration to people, giving them an expanded understanding of the world around them.” Or if you are selling kitchen items you may want to “help people improve their home cooking experiences and create stronger families through fun and efficient meal preparation.” Can you see how creating a mission statement can help guide your business and give you a sense of a higher purpose?
In order to come up with a suitable mission statement, take some time to jot down just what your home business is and how you see your efforts going forth into the world. Don’t worry that other people will think your mission statement is corny–if you are a one person shop, no one else has to see your mission statement unless you want them to. And, your mission statement can change over time as your business changes, it doesn’t have to stay exactly the same forever. Keep in mind how you see your business growing–don’t be afraid of including some lofty goals in your mission statement (for example, a nonprofit food bank may have as it’s mission statement to “end hunger.”) Creating a mission statement can be a solid boost and give you a sense of purpose when it comes to your business.