Does your spouse make you a better person? One of the great things about being in love is knowing that someone else thinks you’re special. – Someone else finds something in you that put you in a different category to everyone else.
Tegdar raises the point that we change as we mature and as we progress through our marriage. That’s certainly true. I look back at the young people Mick and I were and see that over the years how we grew up (yes we married young) and changed and that’s not a bad thing.
The thing is we didn’t set out to change each other. It just happened as we matured and our ideas and views changed. Of course, some the important ones never changed, never even wavered. We always believed we were meant to be together and that we married to the right person and couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. We still do. That’s a good start for a marriage. But it’s not enough on its own.
A marriage still needs to be worked on and if your views and ideas change, then hopefully your spouse is the one you will want to share these things with and talk them over with and work through them so we you are working and changing together. Then it is more likely the changes will draw you closer to each other rather than apart.
In a movie Mick and I watched recently one of the characters says ‘love makes you a better person?’ Is this true in your marriage? Does your spouse encourage you and make you believe you can do anything, try anything, achieve anything.
Do you also treat your spouse that way, encouraging, supporting and in a sense enabling them because they know that someone else is on their side, cheering them on believing they can do it. Overlooking their faults and encouraging their successes. To me that’s what marriage is about – sharing the journey and becoming better people in the process.
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