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Does Your Toddler Make You Cry?

If he doesn’t sleep through the night, is a hellion on the playground, goes on joy rides without you knowing it or breaks into other people’s homes when he’s supposed to be in time-out, then there’s a good chance you’ve shed a few tears in the last week or so.

The good news: If you’re a mom and your toddler’s behavior makes you weep, you aren’t alone.

Whether you have a rambunctious toddler or not, a new poll shows that the average woman cries for 12,012.92 hours over the course of 78.5 years.

To put that into perspective, women basically spend 1.3 years of their lives crying.

The poll’s results reveals that during the first year of life females shed 3 hours of tears a day. The waterworks flow whenever we need changing, feeding or entertaining.

During the toddler years a girl will cry for up to two hours and five minutes a day, with the main triggers being falls, fatigue and scoldings.

As teenagers, females wail for an average of two hours and 13 minutes a week, due mainly to hormones, arguing with friends, relationship problems and being grounded.

According to the survey, after the age of 19, women weep (on average) for two hours and 14 minutes a week. The most common causes the emotional outbursts include:


*Losing a loved one

*Fighting with a loved one

*Hearing bad news

*Sad movies

All that adds up to more than 12,000 hours of crying.

If you are a mother of a toddler, then your list of what makes you tear up the most might be a bit longer and include:

*A toddler who refuses to take nap.

*A toddler who screams “MOMMY!” 12 times a night and when you dash into his room (to get him to stop before he wakes up the baby) and ask him what he needs he says “Nothing.”

*A toddler who prefers painting on the playroom’s walls rather than the poster paper you have spread out on the table.

*A toddler who runs through grocery stores with his arms spread out like airplane wings in an attempt to knock down as many items as possible.

*A toddler who decides to “wash” his hair with his mashed potatoes while you’re in the kitchen grabbing extra salad dressing.

*A toddler, who would rather dump out the contents of your bathroom cabinets, than ride on his brand spanking new Little Tikes All-Terrain Vehicle.

*A toddler who habitually uses his Little Tikes All-Terrain Vehicle to run over his baby brother.

*A toddler who whispers, “I love you Mommy” while snuggled in your arms at bedtime.

What makes you cry like a baby?

Related Articles:

Simple Ways to Bond with Your Toddler

Summer Fun for Toddlers

Summer Reading for Toddlers

Why Toddlers and Snakes Don’t Mix

Teaching Your Toddler to Lose Gracefully

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About Michele Cheplic

Michele Cheplic was born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii, but now lives in Wisconsin. Michele graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Journalism. She spent the next ten years as a television anchor and reporter at various stations throughout the country (from the CBS affiliate in Honolulu to the NBC affiliate in Green Bay). She has won numerous honors including an Emmy Award and multiple Edward R. Murrow awards honoring outstanding achievements in broadcast journalism. In addition, she has received awards from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association for her reports on air travel and the Wisconsin Education Association Council for her stories on education. Michele has since left television to concentrate on being a mom and freelance writer.