James the English Springer Spaniel is a shining star in the dog world — he just took the Westminster Kennel Club Best in Show as a follow-up to his victory at the American Kennel Club Eukanuba National Championship. James is only the third dog to win both titles; the first was a Bichon Frise in 2001 and the second was a Kerry Blue Terrier in 2003.
The English Springer Spaniel is a member of the American Kennel Club’s sporting group, which includes spaniels, setters, and retrievers. The breed was officially recognized by the AKC in 1910; over in England, the English Springer Spaniel was separated from the English Cocker Spaniel in 1902. Long before the split, Springers and Cockers were often born in the same litter and only distinguished by size.
English Springer Spaniels are considered medium-sized dogs, with an average shoulder height of 19-20 inches and adult weight between 40 and 50 pounds. The body is compact; the coat is long and feathered on the chest, ears, and legs. His ears flop down and his tail is traditionally docked. This dog was bred to move well over rough ground and have the endurance to keep going under difficult hunting conditions.
Expect to do your fair share of grooming if you add an English Springer Spaniel to the family; this dog has an outer coat and an undercoat. The undercoat is dense and soft, and helps make the dog waterproof and weatherproof when combined with the longer outer coat. The double coat can even withstand thorns and other foliage a dog might meet crashing through the underbrush while hunting.
As far as personality goes, the typical English Springer Spaniel is friendly and eager to please. This is an intelligent dog that learns quickly and likes to obey his family. Springers are not usually people or dog aggressive, but are also not usually shy.