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Dogs and Cats Living Together: Dogs in Residence

With the help of some very determined (and awesome) friends, I moved into the new apartment this weekend.

Moose and Lally were troopers through it all; they acted as official Welcoming Committee for my moving helpers. There was only one attempted escape, much to my surprise and delight. Lally tried to follow a friend out the back porch door when he went to get my bicycle. She came right back in, though! For the most part, the dogs were closed into a previously-emptied room while we moved boxes and furniture.

We spent our first night in the new place on Saturday. My roommates kept the door to their room closed, so the cats and dogs didn’t see each other. Moose and Lally took a while to settle down at bedtime — I think the new bedroom layout threw them off a little. Moose wouldn’t get into bed until I had moved my pillows from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed. He’s a strange dog sometimes.

On Sunday, we let the dogs and cats have a good long look at each other behind the barrier of the baby gate. Kachiko watched from the bed; Shiro stood in the doorway. Both dogs were alert and interested without barking or acting aggressive… a good start in my opinion.

For now, the bedroom door is mostly kept closed so the cats have some privacy. When the door is open and the dogs and cats can check each other out, the human chaperones are pretty liberal with treats and praise. (The kitties get tuna juice and the puppies get chewy beef treats.) We’re hoping that the treats and encouragement will help the animals see that getting along is a positive experience for all involved!

So far, things are going well. The dogs bark more at unfamiliar sounds outside than they do at the cats. Both cats are still eating, so the presence of the dogs hasn’t stressed them TOO much. Slowly but surely, we’ll get the four fur-kids used to each other.