Many dollar store finds will help you save money, while others may end up costing you in the long run and could even be hazardous. Avoid the following dollar store bargains so you don’t get taken.
Frozen Food
Dollar stores carry all sorts of bargain food. Sometimes these can be great deals, especially when it comes to cereal or snacks. I tend to avoid any frozen food purchases though because of some information that was told to me by someone who works in the industry.
Dollar store food can be at or close to its expiration date. When this applies to dry goods, such as that cereal I mentioned, it isn’t a big deal. The product may or may not be a bit stale. But in the case of frozen food, an expired date could mean that the product is spoiled and unsafe.
Also, frozen food needs to be transferred to the store. Even in a regular grocery store, it comes from the manufacturing plant and may even go to a warehouse or distribution center before the store. While sometimes these products go in refrigeration trucks, sometimes they do not. The product then refreezes when it gets to the store. Normally this isn’t a big deal, but add in an extra slight thaw and freeze to get it to the dollar store, and you could wind up with unhealthy levels of bacteria in the product.
Most batteries sold in dollar stores use old technology, carbon zinc. These batteries won’t last very long and can even harm some sensitive electronics such as digital cameras because they don’t discharge evenly. Spend a little more for name brand alkaline batteries and you won’t have to worry about replacing expensive equipment or spending more replacing batteries than you bargained for.
Imported Health and Beauty Products
Imported products may not be subject to the same standard and health regulations of the name brands. In fact, just three years ago, the Food and Drug Administration found dangerous chemicals in imported toothpaste sold at dollar stores. The chemical, usually found in antifreeze, causes liver and kidney damage. Look for brands that appear to be knock offs of other well-known brands.