We write articles and posts because we want people to read them. The first impression of your article is you headline. Your article may never get read or come up in search engines if your headline is not straightforward. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that funny headlines make people click over and read your articles. No. Funny headlines make people giggle, guffaw, or smirk but not always click over. If the headline is a joke the reader may pass over it to get to the article with the information he seeks.
In addition, SEO is no laughing matter. Google does not care if your headline is funny, quirky, or jazzy. Google does not care if you use irony, a metaphor or a simile to make your point. Google only cares about keywords and meta data. Straightforward headlines with keywords are the only way to impress Google. You can still be yourself but if your headline does not come up easily in search engines it may not get found.
But can we be witty and SEO sound at the same time? You sure can be!
For example:
Let’s pretend you are writing an article about a Literature professor who was fired for smoking a cigarette in class. Let’s says, he was simply acting out a role but due to complaints he lost his job anyway. What possible titles can you come up with that will grab attention of readers and SEO.
Sample Headlines:
Fired after the Smoke Clears
Perhaps cute and a bit funny but too vague for a reader looking for this story to click on and for Google to rank high in the search engine.
Burning Up Over Lighting Up
Again, vague. Trying too hard to be funny and will only lead to an article with low pageviews.
Professor Fired for Smoking in Class
Google will know exactly what to do with this title. Anyone searching of the story will type in most of these words if not all of them. Your article is sure to show up in a search and it will be obvious to the reader this is what he is looking for. Sure, it is boring but you can show off your personality in the body of your post.
Much Ado About Nothing: Theater Professor Fired for Smoking in Class
My favorite title because it is SEO sound and witty at the same time. The title tells Google and the reader exactly what the article is about.
As a general rule, keep your headlines clear enough for Google and potential readers. Do not sacrifice clarity for wit.