Yesterday we conquered a cheap and inexpensive way to organize catalogs and magazines, because everyday our mail carrier seems to bring us more and more and eventually they over run the home.
So now we at least have that area of your life organized.
One last tip on magazines and catalogs. They should fit perfectly on any book shelf, but if there is no room on your book shelf, either make a shelf out of something else, or place on a top shelf of a closet. Be sure to label the outside of the box so you know at a glance what’s inside and don’t have to pull out every box when you’re looking for something.
I personally have two boxes in my kitchen with my cookbooks, about five up in my scrapbook studio, one next to my bed which contains catalogs and new magazines to read before bed. They eventually get placed in their respective homes after they are read or tossed if there is nothing worth keeping it for. I also have two on a shelf in my living room which contain the newest edition of catalogs I use regularly and a few magazines I reference often.
I did wind up buying a big basket to place some coffee table reads in and it slides under my coffee table. This works great and cost me fifty cents at a garage sale!
Next thing to think about:
Ice Cube Trays
Oh, I’m sure you’re asking – WHAT?!
If you need to organize smaller items in ANY room (examples: earrings, extra buttons, pins, craft supplies, etc), ice cube trays or even some muffin tins are perfect for keeping everything sorted. You can put them right into your drawer so they are out of sight and they are stackable too which is great! You can stack them on a shelf if you prefer. The great part is – ice cube trays and even muffin pans are CHEAP – check out your dollar store or just go to Wal-mart – or anywhere else kitchen supplies are sold. But before you even do that – stop by a garage sale. Last weekend alone I saw a garage sale where the lady must have been selling twenty ice cube trays! Wow what a find!
You can sort items inside the cube spots by color, shapes, size or type. I have two in my scrapbook room that I use for eyelets, and one in my kitchen junk drawer that holds paper clips, staples, safety pins, nails and more.
Check out the frugal living blog for more great tips and ideas on saving money while organzing your home and additional installments on this article series!
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