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Don’t Cut and Run Again

We were warned shortly after 9/11/2001 by the president himself that people would forget the shock and horror of those twin towers. Our politicians have apparently forgotten. Sen. John Kerry called for a full US troop withdrawal by the end of the year.

Withdrawal is not the answer Sen. Kerry and all of you other politicians. Do any of you really believe the fragile Iraqi government would not collapse if we left now? Then it would become an even worse den of terrorists.

Why did you vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq only to quit when the going gets tough? Don’t you know that quitters never win? American squeamishness is exactly what the terrorists are counting on.

It no longer matters why we went to war. The only thing that matters is that we stay the course and help the Iraqi people until they ask us to leave. We must not fail in Iraq.

I have one message to our politicians…Quit encouraging our enemies and encourage our troops along with the Iraqi people. If we quit now, all of the lives lost in this war will have been for nothing.