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Don’t Feel Sorry For Me

So, are you seeing anyone? That seems to be the first question people ask me when I haven’t seen them in a while. No wait, even my family asks that. For the record, no I’m not seeing anyone. When I say that they always look like they feel sorry for me. Poor thing, all alone, raising a teenager.

No, this is not what I had planned but you know what? It’s turned out pretty well. Yes, there are times I wish I had someone around, someone who could tell me I’m doing the right thing when I’m not sure what the right thing is, but most of the time, I’m ok.

When I was newly divorced I wanted so badly to be married again, to prove I wasn’t a failure, wasn’t unlovable. It didn’t happen, it may never happen, and I’m ok with it. I’ve learned more about myself in the last seven years than I had learned in the previous forty.

I like who I am and I enjoy my own company. I think people think we single mother’s just wait by the phone, wringing our hands, waiting for someone to rescue us. At times I’ve felt like that. Those times when parenting was nothing at all that I had imagined it to be and I was so afraid I was making the wrong choices and my daughter was going to go down the wrong path as a result. At times like that I would have welcomed a knight in shining armor to save us both. But we got through it.

In case you are wondering, my life is not on hold waiting for mister wonderful. I have a full, happy life. I read, I write, I craft, I volunteer. I’m the only person I know who is so busy that I literally never watch TV. Don’t pity us single moms because we are home alone, without anyone to take care of us. Trust me, we get over that quickly and soon find so many things we enjoy that the question then becomes, how in the world could I fit one more person into my life?