If you buy anything online, make sure that you take advantage of coupon codes to get the best deals. Here is your guide to what these coupon codes are, how you can use them and where to get them.
What are coupon codes?
Coupon codes are usually a combination of letters and numbers that can be used when you are in the online shopping cart or checking out with your online purchases. Usually they are issued by the store to either reward loyal shoppers or entice new ones. Coupon codes can be used for anything from free shipping to percentages off of your order. sometimes coupon codes will yield you a free gift with a purchase.
How can you use coupon codes?
Coupon codes often have specific rules for use. Some codes were originally intended for a very specific group of shoppers, such as those that are using a type of credit card. If you don’t qualify, you won’t get the discount. Other coupon codes are for new shoppers, only, so if you have previously shopped at that store online, you might not be able to use the code.
Don’t let these restrictions scare you, since there are many very generous coupon codes, and some stores will actually allow you to stack them. Stacking means that you can use more than one code, such as free shipping and 30 percent off, in one order.
Where can you get coupon codes?
Fortunately for us, coupon codes are all over the place, shared by fellow shoppers. Check the forums here at Families.com or do an Internet search with the name of the store and the words “coupon codes.” Sometimes coupon codes are e-mailed to you when you sign up to get promotional material from the store.
Happy bargain hunting!
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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