Home – based professionals often have a hard time fitting in fitness, just like people who work outside of the home. However, making time to squeeze a workout into most of your days is a great idea because it boosts your energy and keeps you healthy. It could also help to keep your health care costs down, which can be very important if you have no health insurance or can only afford a plan that covers the most basic care.
There are a few ways that a home – based professional can include fitness in his or her day. If you do not have children at home, schedule your workouts at the time that is most appealing to you and choose an activity that you enjoy so that fitness feels more like play and less like work. It can be tempting to skip your workout if household chores are tugging at you or you want to get a little more work done, but those things can wait. Even though it requires effort and it may not feel like a treat or an indulgence, your work out time is something that you do just for you. It helps you to feel your best and look your best. If you still need convincing to get up from your desk, remember that sometimes the change of scenery and mental stimulation that you get from exercise can help you to work through a work related issue in your mind or provide some fresh inspiration for your work.
If you are a stay at home parent, it is still possible to squeeze in a little fitness. Even if your children are young, there are things that you can do. For example, if you have an infant and a toddler or two toddlers, find a stroller that safely and comfortably fits them both and take regular walks. In the alternative, try working out in the evening at home after the kids go to bed. It can be hard to drag yourself to the treadmill at that hour. However, if you also work in the evenings after the kids go to bed, it can actually perk you up a bit before work. That is actually when I work out right now because it is too cold and snowy to go for walks outside.
How to you fit fitness into your busy schedule?