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Don’t Overlook Second-hand for Business Supplies

I have written a little about the purchasing of equipment and supplies for our home businesses–including how to budget in for the expenses and discern the value of purchases to the business operations, but I realized I had never talked about how everything we purchase for our home businesses does not have to be brand new–for home businesses on a budget, refurbished and second-hand can be a great way to go.

I am amazed at how many great office and business supplies I see at thrift stores, antique stores, and garage sales. Not to mention those business that also specialize in selling refurbished office equipment (computers, printers, fax machines, etc.). There might be some great bargains out there that would help you stock your business without breaking the bank–not to mention providing one more opportunity to be a little more “green” in your business operations.

Everything from paper and file folders, to desks and electronics can be found second-hand; you just need to make sure you do your homework and check things out before making a purchase. Even things like paper CAN get too old and become faded and brittle, so make sure that you give things a good going over before buying. Most thrift and second-hand stores have a place you can plug things in and see how they work. If you are at a garage or tag sale, you should ask the seller about the history of the item and see if you can try it out (if feasible) before purchasing.

The next time you need something for your home business, instead of automatically running out to the office supply store, you might consider second-hand as a resource–you may be able to get exactly what you need for a fraction of the cost–and do your part to minimize the volume of the landfill at the same time.

Also: Business Supplies for Free and Cheap

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