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Don’t Put It Off

Have you ever felt that urge to pray for someone? You don’t know why but you feel prompted to pray. Can I urge you not to ignore it? The Lord God often puts it on a person’s mind to pray for someone without knowing all the details. It is enough that God knows.

This week a woman in our church testified how she had felt led to pray for those in our congregation. She didn’t know why but she was obedient.
Unbeknown to her there had been a serious accident. A man from our congregation had found his son lying on the ground after a fall, looking like he was dead and bleeding from his head. The young man was taken to hospital with a fractured skull.

He is now recovering and doctors are amazed at the recovery of what could have been potentially more serious. This is the second time in a few months that a young man has been involved in a serious accident involving a head injury and people have prayed. In both cases the man has made a good recovery.

Closer to home, I know how important prayer was in the recovery of my daughter when she was seriously ill some years back. I look at her now and it’s hard to believe how critical the situation was at that time. What impressed me was that the young people of our church at the time organized a prayer vigil for her. They were many miles away from the hospital where she was. They had limited information about what was going on and the seriousness of the situation, but they committed to pray. And God answered their prayers, wonderfully.

We should never underestimate the power of prayer, to heal, and to change hearts and lives. Recently an elderly man died. He had become a Christian at age 75 after many years of faithful prayer by his wife. She didn’t live to see that happen. But they will be rejoicing together in heaven now.

So next time you are prompted to pray for someone, don’t put it off. Pray. You never know just how your prayers can make a difference.

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