People say that babies are expensive, but the truth is, you’ll probably spend much more money on other things in your lifetime. Choosing to become a parent is one of those things you simply cannot sum up between a dollar sign and a decimal point. The gain you receive from having a child is worth more than you can imagine and the interest is compounded by the minute.
Don’t worry about the sleepless nights, the spit up or the poopy diapers. Those days come and they go, and they don’t make up the substance of what is so wonderful about raising a child. You don’t worry about grubby fingers when they are reaching for you. You don’t worry about drool when those eyes are searching yours. Poop becomes so ordinary and monotonous, and cleaning up your baby’s bottom feels no different from cleaning up your own.
Don’t worry about getting your figure back. Look around you; the real world is not full of supermodels. Photoshop can fix what’s printed, but it can do nothing for those of us just walking around and living life. Your husband will still think you are beautiful, especially for giving him gorgeous children. Making babies is one of the most romantic activities on the planet. Chase your toddler around long enough and you’ll get your figure back… almost.
Don’t worry about the house you live in or the car you drive. Babies grow quickly, but they stay small for a long time. You will have plenty of time to move or buy a bigger car. Babies fit just fine in little apartments and compact cars. Babies don’t care if they learn to crawl on linoleum or real tile. You shouldn’t worry about upgrading your furniture until your kids are bigger, anyway.
Don’t wait to get pregnant until the timing is perfect. Don’t listen to people who brag about being responsible about family planning. Remember, you could have the perfect house, the perfect bank account and the perfect life for having kids, and you could lose it all in a moment. There is never a perfect time, because we don’t know what the future holds. Do your best and give your baby 100% of your effort and 200% of your love. You will do just fine.