Ask any person you know what their dream date is and you will get as many different answers as there are people you asked. To define a dream date, one must imagine exactly what it is that would be perfect for them. They also have to answer the question, what makes that date so perfect? What special quality does it possess?
Since everyone is different, his or her idea of a dream date is also different. Some imagine spending an evening with their favorite performer, really talking to them and feeling important and noticed by their idol as the dream way to go. Others would say hot dogs at the stadium on the first night of the World Series and discovering that your date is as crazy about the game as you are.
With so many choices for so many people, how can a dream date be quantified? It can’t. A person’s deepest, most innermost desires cannot be weighed and measured. They can be fulfilled, they can be disappointed, but they can’t be assigned a value. Dreams are about realizing something you have never had before or feeling special. Everyone wants to feel special and everyone wants the ability to make someone else feel that way too.
The genre of romance whether it is a sitcom, novel, movie or play answers those dream date moments. Moments when we watch character’s eyes catch, an unexpected compliment, a day at the park or the beach, a dinner in an unfamiliar, but ritzy restaurant – a quiet moment that exists between the two people who are present.
Dreams are filled with hope and wishes, to have that date come true is to have a fairy godmother shower magic dust over your head. It can feel as light as a cloud or as down to earth as the steadiest rock.
What makes these dates so special is that they are shared with someone who is special. It is not what happens on the date, but whom the date is spent with and how you feel about spending it with them. Think about it the next time you imagine your dream date, are you thinking about where you are or whom you’re with?
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