Some shows on television often are good indicators of the way that people live and react with one another. Screenwriters spend much time observing how people react in certain situations. Tthey almost gives us a chance to stand on the outside and look in.
Once again I am writing in memory of a favorite episode of one of the all time shows that depicts the comical relationship between a husband and a wife, Home Improvement.
During the particular episode that I remember, Al’s girlfriend has a dream about Tim. In the dream he is seen as a type of night and shining armor man. It is romantic dream that greatly disturbs her.
As all people, she had no control over her dream. She did not have romantic feelings for Tim and actually was at times disgusted by him. This added to the terror of her dream. She did admit her dream to Jill who then told Tim. Of course Tim was very flattered by the dream. However, Al did not find it as amusing as the others.
Much time has been given to the study and research of dreams. In many cases, dreams reflect upon your day. You may dream about someone that you saw that day or something that you did. However, there is usually a huge twist placed upon it. Dreams may also reflect your fears or desires. However, just because you dream about something does not mean that you wish it would happen or not happen. It just means that your mind is working over time and not getting a break while you sleep.
So have you ever dreamed of a person other than your mate in romantic terms? If you have, did you tell your mate about the dream? Do you think that your mate would be offended if you did dream about someone else? Would it upset you if you knew that your mate had a romantic dream about another person?
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