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Easter Sunday Fun

I come from a large family. On special occasions my family gathers together to celebrate. Since we moved to Texas, I have missed out on these family events. I am so happy, then, that my friends down the street have adopted us into their family.

Last year on Easter Sunday Chris and I joined our neighbors at her parents’ house for Easter dinner, egg hunt, and a general good time. We had Jessie and our initial placement had returned, so we had two two-year-olds. I was hoping for an invitation to this year’s Easter festivities and I was not disappointed.

We got a late start on the day because the girls were not able to skip nap and slept for a very long time. We headed out for the party after they got up. The girls were adorable in matching dresses that Wonderful Auntie Leah got them at Children’s Place. Baby E’s Doc Band was decorated for Easter too.

When we arrived Jessie jumped right into the festivities by walking right up to five-year-old Wesley and giving him a big hug. We walked to the back of the house where everyone was and Jessie ran right over to all the other kids and joined in the fun.

Jessie followed me inside when I went in to say hi to everyone. She spotted the bunny cake and just had to have a slice. She sat at the counter and ate that cake. It was good cake. She then had a cupcake that she did not eat but carried around. She didn’t care when the top fell into the grass and then gave the rest back to me. Jessie was not very interested in the egg hunt, but found some eggs with my help.

Jessie had the best time and it was hard to drag her away.