It is a tradition of our marriage not to eat meat on Good Friday. We traditionally have salmon patties for lunch or dinner on Good Friday. So does our daughter and her husband.
At our current church we have hot cross buns after the service. The same thing used to happen in another church we belonged to in Sydney. I don’t, since I’m gluten free. No-one seems to have a produced gluten free hot cross buns. I can’t be bothered making them just for me.
One year Mick and I attended a church in the rural area where we lived. It was very different and so somber. Coming from a Sydney Evangelical background it was strange to us to find the church stripped of any color or flowers. There was no music at all. Being a person who loves to sing, and who finds music a moving part of a service, I found it extremely hard to handle.
The next year we created our own tradition and held our service as home. Mick did the bible readings and together as a little family we sang songs that celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus to celebrate the day. For the time we stayed in that church it became our tradition to celebrate our Good Friday service at home.
Years ago in Australia all the shops were traditionally shut on Good Friday. It was hard even to find a service station open if you needed gas. On Friday as we came home from church all the shops are open and doing a roaring trade.
As another example of how things have changed, Mick went to the shops early Saturday while I wrote my blog and found it hard to get normal hot cross buns. They’re nearly all chocolate chip and mocha hot cross bus.
Another tradition for families that happens on Easter Saturday is the White Sands festival held in White Sands Park. Yesterday Mick and I and our daughter and her husband, who were down here for the day, went up to Huskisson and looked at the market stalls, and tried to ignore the parade with its bagpipes playing. I hate bagpipes.
Some local churches, our church included, joined together to serve free tea, coffee and hot cross buns for adults and face painting and fun activities for the kids. They also handed out copies of Luke’s gospel to remind people what Easter is all about.
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