Sometimes it can be hard to get toddlers to eat anything, let alone things that are good for their growing minds and bodies. They are busy little people who often prefer to remain engrossed in whatever activity they happen to be engrossed in at the time instead of sitting down and clearing a plate of whatever nutritious meal you have just lovingly prepared for them. Fortunately, hunger does eventually overcome the excitement of play and your little one is likely to rush to your side and demand to be fed. Right. Now.
With a little advance planning, you can make healthy and delicious foods available to your toddler whenever she needs them. Some of these things can even be tossed into your diaper bag on the way out the door. I am not sure how things go at your house, but it is inevitable that no matter when Dylan last ate, even if it was five minutes before we went out the door, he asks for food shortly after getting in the car.
Here are a few of the snacks that we are loving right now. Whole fruit is a no brainer. It is individually “wrapped” and many things like bananas, apples, and pears, require no refrigeration. Trail mix is another favorite, and it can be made up in minutes and kept in an airtight bag or container. We usually toss together Cheerios, raisins, and peanuts. Please be sure that your toddler is careful with chewing and swallowing things like peanuts before you include those in your mix. Cooked baby carrots are softer and easier to chew than they are if you leave them raw. Eat them plain or dip them in some almond butter, ranch dressing, guacamole, or other spread of your choice. Hard cooked eggs can be peeled and kept in a container in the fridge, to be cut up as needed.
Our current favorite sweet treats are home made Larabars. There are many recipes online, and most of them do not contain sugar because they are made with dates. The dates make them sweet. Today, we made some with dates, pecans, almonds, and cocoa powder and they are delicious. They are sticky, though, so this is one snack which may be better enjoyed at home instead of in the car.
Photo by olika on