For most families school has started. This means that children spend most of the day with no contact from their parents. So why not surprise your child and eat lunch with them. If the weather is nice you could call and find out how long your child’s lunch and recess time is then check them out and go to the park for a picnic. Most schools have an open lunchroom policy. You can even purchase a meal for the adult price. Just call and find out what time your child is going to lunch. In elementary school the time usually changes each week since the classes rotate who goes to lunch first. Older children will probably enjoy being pulled out of school and going out to lunch more than having their parent sitting next to them and eating with their friends.
A few times last year I met my son for lunch at his school. I usually ended up bringing a personal pan pizza that he had earned from his school’s Pizza Hut Book It program. This was a huge hit. He thought it was so cool that his mom and sisters came to eat lunch with them. He had so much fun showing us off. The pizza was great too. While everyone else was eating cafeteria food he was eating delicious pizza. One time I went and left his sisters with a neighbor. He felt really special getting Mom all to himself.
After lunch I would let my girls go and play on the playground with their brother. It was so sweet to see how many of the children would take time to help my daughters go down the slide or climb up the ladder. Any time someone would ask who the girls were my son would proudly announce that they were his sisters.
Eating lunch with your child at their school makes your child feel special. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to spend time with your child. It was also good for me as a parent to see how my son interacted with the kids at school. Having school lunch with my son is a memory that I will forever cherish. I look forward to eating school lunch with my daughters too.