One of the great ways to save money on food is to do what our ancestors did, and that is to eat what is available. These days, almost everything seems available, so we have to modify the practice a bit. To save money, we need to eat what is available and on sale. Getting creative with inexpensive food will save you hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars per year.
On our last shopping trip, there were a couple of things that were great deals. Ham was unbelievably discounted, as I mentioned in an earlier post. Taking advantage of this, we got two hams and have been eating and freezer cooking with them.
English muffins were another great deal. So this week, we have made breakfast sandwiches for breakfast, and mini pizzas for lunch using them.
Hot dog buns were on sale as well. We used some for actual hot dogs, which we already had from a previous sale. I also used some of the buns to make homemade croutons for a salad (since romaine lettuce was also on sale).
Some food that you buy on sale doesn’t have to be used right away, of course. I’ve already mentioned freezer cooking and using the hot dogs from a previous shopping trip. Stock up and store deals in your pantry, fridge or freezer, and then get creative to incorporate them into your weekly meals.
For example, I was able to pull out some canned pineapple from my pantry to add to all of that ham. I used oil and vinegar from previous stock ups for a homemade salad dressing.
Watch for the sales and then use them to your advantage. Don’t just pay attention to the store flyers, but keep your eyes open around the store. Loaves of clearance Texas Toast made it into my cart and then turned into a French Toast breakfast. The cost of feeding five people plus having leftovers to freeze was less than $2 total, including the eggs, butter, vanilla, powdered sugar and syrup.
Three Easy Ways to Slash Your Grocery Bill