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Education Week in Review: April 1 – April 6

This week, I began my series of articles on the subject of science. Science is often not considered to be a core subject such as language arts and math. However, science is very important to the progress of our society. I will continue to add science information and ideas to my blogs. In addition to science, I have also been discussing parent teacher conferences. My school just recently completed the last parent teacher conference session of this school year. Below you will find a brief description of articles from the week.

Sunday, April 1
Science-My Weakness
In this article, I discussed how science was never a favorite subject for me in school. I did not develop a passion for science until I was placed in a science class during my student teaching. After teaching science, I discovered how fun and interesting it could be.

Tuesday, April 3
In this article, I gave a brief description of science and the different types of science that one can study.

Field Trip- What Else Could Go Wrong?
After taking a field trip with numerous mishaps, I could not resist telling all of you about the day. Read this one for your entertainment!

Wednesday, April 4
What is an Outdoor Classroom?
My school has an outdoor classroom. Until the building was built at my school, I had no idea what an outdoor classroom was. In this article, I discuss what an outdoor classroom is and how it can be beneficial to teachers teaching science.

Parent Teacher Conferences- Why?
Parent teacher conferences are very important. They allow teachers to connect with their students’ homes and parents to connect with their children’s school. Every parent should make it a point to conference with their child’s teacher and every teacher should encourage parents to attend.

Thursday April 5
Outdoor Classrooms- The Teacher’s Role
Teachers play a very important role in outdoor classroom instruction. There is more to outdoor classrooms than just the construction of a building. Read this article to discover how teachers should conduct an outdoor classroom lesson.

How Teachers Should Prepare for Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences are just like any other school day. Teachers need to prepare for them. Parent teacher conferences are usually brief. Preparing for conferences will allow you to get the most out of each session.

Friday April 6
Tips for Managing Outdoor Instruction
Some teachers are fearful of taking their students outdoors to explore. Simple rules and guidelines can make the experience easier. In this article, I listed some tips for taking students to an outdoor classroom for instruction.