I hope that you have enjoyed this week in education here at Families.com. Summer break is just around the corner and I am very excited! Check back each week for educational activities to complete with your child this summer!
Saturday, April 28
Concerns of Public Education: A = Attitude
Teachers often do not get the recognition and credit that they deserve. In my community, teachers are not held in high regards such as doctors or lawyers. The attitude toward the importance of teachers needs to improve.
Sunday, April 29
Perks of Public Education: B = Beginning
Teaching is a wonderful career because you get a fresh start each year. Each year I am given a new start with new children and new ideas. I can improve on previous activities and lessons.
Concerns of Public Education: B = Blame
Parents often feel the need to find someone to blame for their child’s behavior or poor performance in school. The easiest person to blame is usually the teacher. Many parents are very hesitant to blame themselves or their children.
Monday, April 30
Perks of Public Education: C = Creativity
Teaching allows me to enter my creative side. I enjoy planning creative lesson plans, art activities, and projects for my students.
Concerns of public Education: C = Consequences
Consequences for students’ actions and bad behaviors are often limited. Some parents become upset when their child is punished for bad behavior. While most parents are against corporal punishment, some parents are against any type of punishment.
Tuesday, May 1
Perks of Public Education: D = Diversity
Teaching in a public school system allows me to meet many different types of children. The children are from different economic backgrounds. The children have different experiences and different thought processes.
Concerns of public Education: D = Disabilities
More children are entering school with some type of disability. Some disabilities are in speech while others are in language, fine motor skills, and learning.
Wednesday, May 02
Concerns of Public Education: E= Expectations
Teachers are often expected to carry out various duties other than teaching. We are asked to perform motherly duties, nursing, and psychology. Many times time is taken away from teaching to take carry of these tasks.
Tips for a Great Field Day!
With school coming to an end, many field days are just around the corner. In this article, I offer tips to make your child’s field day a great experience.
Thursday, May 03
Perks of Public Education: E = Emerging Readers
Teaching a child to read is a wonderful experience. I love teaching kindergarten because I get to experience a child reading for the first time.
Perks of Public Education: F = Friendships
Teachers share a special bond. Through county wide and statewide school systems and conventions, teachers can relate to one another and share personal teaching experiences.
Friday, May 04
Arts Festival
My school holds an annual art festival each May. The festival is a great experience for the students and teachers alike. Everyone works hard to prepare for the day. When the arts festival arrives, the work is all worth the trouble.
Concerns of Public Education: F = Funding
Teachers spend a lot of their own money each year to supply their students with materials. Primary teachers often use many more supplies than teachers who teach in upper elementary grades. Funding is always a major concern for many teachers.