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Education Week in Review: January 27 – February 1

Welcome to the weekend!! The cold weather is keeping both the teachers and students hoping for a snow day off! During the past couple of weeks my family has been a avid news watcher (basically we just watch the closing across the bottom of the screen!) Nevertheless, the education news keeps rolling in! Check out below if you missed a few days!

Sunday, January 27
Calling a Teacher at Home
All teachers have a different point of view about receiving calls from parents at home. Some are more willing to accept the calls than others. This article gives parents advice on how to tactfully call a teacher at home.

Monday, January 28
More Advice on How to Call a Teacher at Home
This article continues the last one and offers even more advice on calling teachers at home. There are ways that parents can get better and more positive results.

School Boys Test Movie Facts
This article recaps a news story in which a couple of boys test out the tongue and flag pole scenario. They discover that your tongue really real freeze to the pole! Both boys are okay. However their tongues are sore!

Tuesday, January 29
Moving to a New School
Changing schools can be hard for children. In this article I discuss how I feel that the younger children more easily adapt to a new school.

Teacher Misconduct is Not Always Made Public
Teachers are not exempt from wrong doing. One Florida newspaper gained access to a list of teachers who received punishment for wrong doing. The paper discovered that the general public does not always know when teachers misbehave.

Wednesday January 30
Effective Teachers Evaluate Themselves
There is more to teaching than coming up with a great lesson plan. Many teachers spend much on their lessons before they tae place but little time after the fact. Teachers must plan ahead but also reflect once the lesson is over.

Toronto Votes for Afrocentric Schools
This article is getting a lot of conversation in the forums. Canada has approved the opening of an Afrocentric school in 2009. The school is an attempt to lower the dropout rate among black students.

Thursday, January 31
Teachers, Be Honest with Parents
It is very important for teachers to be honest about the child’s academic and behavior progress. While most parents do not want to hear that their child is not doing well in one of those areas, it is imperative that the parents be aware of the problem.

Friday, February 1
More about Online Public Schools
I had began an article about the experimentation of online public schools in Texas. This article continues that discussion and offers even more information on the schools work.