Wow the educational topics and news just keep coming! Thanks to all of you who gave opinions and comments this week! Check out below if you missed some articles.
Saturday, June 28
In some cases it is very difficult to find worksheets that meet your needs in the classroom. Today’s technology gives much lead way to create your own materials. This article gives some ideas on how to create your own worksheets.
Test generators can be great tools for creating personalized tests. This article discusses the Examgen test generator for math.
Sunday, June 29
Famous People and the Schools they Attended
In this article I began a list of famous people and the prep schools that they attended as children.
Creating Your Own Interactive Student Books
Young children love to have books that they can read. Here I discuss how to make your own books for young children.
More about Students who Refuse to WorkHaving a student that refuses to work can be difficult. This article continues a discussion about how to handle such students.
Monday, June 30
More Famous People and the Schools they Attended
This article continues the list of famous people and the prep schools that they attended.
In this article I give a brief outline of the basic lesson plan design.
When Teachers Compare Siblings
In many cases teachers relate children to the child’s parents or siblings. Teachers can be too quick to judge children based on a brother or sister that the teacher had in the past.
Tuesday, July 1
In some cases it can be difficult to decide when to reward and when to punish. This article looks at how the response to the two is different.
Here I discuss the characteristics of a super teacher.
What Makes a Teacher Excellent?
In this article I give some characteristics of excellent teachers.
Wednesday, July 2
Deciding whether or not teaching is for you may be a difficult decision. This article gives you some things to consider.
This article gives the characteristics of a good teacher verses a super or excellent teacher.
What Impression Do You Want to Give Your Students?
Teachers make lasting impressions on their students. This article discusses those impressions and which type you should leave.
Thursday, July 3
Teacher Values in the Classroom
Whether you want them to or not your values and beliefs carry over into your teaching. Therefore it is important to get a good understanding of the messages that you are relaying.
Friday, July 4
Avoiding Student-Teacher Battles
Teachers can quickly find themselves in a battle with a student. Students thrive on these power struggles. This article discusses how to stay out them.