This has been a great week in education at Heather’s addition of Substitute’s Corner is a hit. Continue reading weekly to find out the latest eductaion news.
Monday, September 17
Substitute Teacher’s Corner: Discipline in the Classroom
In this article, Heather discusses how hard it can be to move from room to room as a substitute. Each teacher has a different means of controlling the class. Heather reminds substitutes that it is okay to use their own forms of discipline and rules when needed.
Strengthening a child’s vocabulary is very important. When a child expands his/her vocabulary, his/her reading comprehension also expands.
Tuesday, September 18
Tricks for Getting Rid of Chalkboards
In my eyes, chalkboards are a thing of the past. I much more prefer dry erase or bulletin boards. However, most teachers are left to work with what the room is equipped with. This article offers a couple of ideas for covering up those chalkboards.
Substitute Teacher’s Corner: Medical Intervention
Heather recently substituted in a class that had several children with special medical needs. As Heather noted this can make a teacher very uneasy.
College Professors- Are They Worth More Money?
In the eyes of the public, college professors seem to have a more prestigious job than public educators. However, I am not sure that all college professors are worth the money that they are paid.
Wednesday, September 19
Teaching with Other Teachers in Your Grade Level
Teaching as a team can be helpful. Having other teachers to work with can create a good support team. However, at times working with others can be trying. Read this article to find out how and why.
Can Virginia Tech Be Blamed For The School Shootings?
Some of the families of the Virginia Teach victims feel that the school is to blame. They want the president of the school to resign or be fired.
Thursday, September 20
Stereotypes of Physical Education Teachers
Movies, television shows, and the general public have stereotypes physical education teachers. They see the teachers as jocks and drill officers. Read more to find out how public physical education classes have changed.
Friday, September 21
I Went With My Gut- We Changed Preschools!
I recently moved my daughter to a new preschool. Sometimes going with your gut feeling is best. For me all has worked out well.