Fall break is growing near. I cannot believe how the school year flies by!
This week the educational topics have circled boarding schools and touched on bus duty, class pets, restroom accidents, and more. Check out below for more details.
Saturday, September 29
Types Of Boarding Schools
Boarding schools hit my interest this week as I explored the various types of boarding schools that are available. I found out that there are many different types of schools out there.
Monday, October 1
School Fall Festivals and Carnivals
Many schools plan fall festivals or carnivals. The event is held at various times. This article takes a peek into when are the best times and the usual activities that can be seen at these events.
Bus Duty
This week began my bus duty. This article describes bus duty along with its pros and cons.
Tuesday, October 2
Classroom Pets
I have always had a pet in my classroom. In this article, I discuss the pros and cons of each type of classroom pet.
Children and Restroom Accidents at School
This article discusses children who repeatedly have accidents at school. Some children even have multiple accidents in a day.
Wednesday, October 3
Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens
One option for parents with troubled teens is a boarding school. This article discusses the characteristics a boarding school for troubled teens.
Thursday, October 4
Steps to Enrolling Your Child in a Boarding School
The process of enrolling your child in a boarding school can be quite involved. Get started early and take these tips.
NCLB Highly Qualified Provision is Challenged
Some feel that just because a teacher is qualified to do the job does not mean that he/she is capable. I agree. There is more to teaching than the diploma or certificate.
Keeping Good Teachers
It has always been a concern to schools on how to keep good teachers. This article explores more into the issue.
Friday, October 5
Year Round School on the Rise
This article discusses the different school calendars. Many schools are choosing to extend their calendar.