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Eight Animals on the Town – Susan Middleton Elya

When I reviewed “Eight Animals Bake a Cake,” I was delighted with the concept of the book, which interspersed Spanish and English words throughout. With more Spanish-speaking citizens in America than ever before, I think it would be very valuable for our children, and ourselves, to pick up some basic words of Spanish so we can communicate with our neighbors. Conversely, these books can be used to teach a few basic words in English, as well.

Eight Animals on the Town” continues the format and tells the story of our animal friends and their trip to the mercado (market).

The raton (mouse) decides that he would like to eat some queso (cheese), and the helpful employees serve him up a nice slice. Then the gato (cat) asks for some leche (milk), while the perro (dog) requests un hueso (a bone). I have to interrupt myself here for a minute – I can’t imagine needing to ask someone for a bone in Spanish, but if the need ever does arrive, I am now prepared.

Pajaro (Bird) spies some delicious semillas (seeds) which will hit the spot, and Rana (Frog) chooses out some nice, juicy moscas (flies). I’m not entirely sure why this mercado is selling flies, but I’m willing to just believe.

The caballo (horse) asks for some heno (hay) – thankfully, someone has it for sale outside, and the horse doesn’t have to go indoors. That could be disastrous.

After all the animals have selected their favorite food for dinner, they eat, and then go dancing through the streets of the town, feeling full of high spirits. Then, they pile into cars and drive off into the night, calling out, “Buenos noches.”

(This book was published in 2000 by Puffin Books and was illustrated by Lee Chapman.)